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Personnel Background Information
updated: June 16, 1997

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STAR TREK: The Next Generation
Jean-Luc Picard William Thomas Riker
Data Beverly C Crusher
Geordi La Forge Deanna Troi
Worf Guinan
Natasha Yar Wesley S Crusher

STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine
Benjamin Sisko Kira Nerys
Odo Jadzia Dax
Julian Bashir Miles Edward O'Brien
Quark Jake Sisko

STAR TREK: Voyager
Kathryn Janeway Chakotay
Tuvok Thomas Eugene Paris
B'Elanna Torres Harry Kim
EMH Doctor Kes

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If you know other extra facts on any character, you can e-mail me (please include your info source).

Most part of the character information (TNG & DS9) provided here is based on the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - List of Names, Ranks, and Serial Numbers (and Crew Data), also known as Star Trek - Names FAQ, written by Otto "Hack-Man" Heuer. A copy of this FAQ can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here. Otto also has written many other Star Trek FAQ's. You can find them on his Trek page (go).

If you like to read more information on characters or events of Star Trek, I recommend the book Star Trek Chronology - The History of the Future by Michael and Denise Okuda. It is a must have for fans, and it is well organized for all ST series and movies.