Holodeck 3 FAQ

Holodeck 3 Frequently Asked Questions

I often receive e-mails from people asking me questions about my site, screen saver, and other matters. The followings are the most common questions I receive. Hope it will answer some of your questions before you e-mail me. ... updated on July 9, 1997

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Can I link to Holodeck 3 web site on my own web page?

Of course. You are definitely welcome to link to my Holodeck 3 web site on your page. However, please try to link to the front page (main entrance page) at http://www.holodeck3.com , not the main console page at http://www.holodeck3.com/holodeck3.html
You can use the following logo to link to my site. For more info, click on the logo or
Experience the  
Holodeck 3 web site
HD3 simulation.

Can you link to my web site on Holodeck 3?

I like to link to you pages, but there're simply too many requests. I've planned to set up a LINK page that will link to your Star Trek related web pages several months ago, and I had put up a form that you can submit your site. Currently, I am still working on the layout and organization of this LINK page. Besides I am busy and this requires so much time of mine. I hope I can finish it before the end of 1997.

Can I upload pictures/sounds/video's/files to you?

Yes, you can send them to me by e-mail. You can find my e-mail address at my contact info page. If you can, please identify the author/source of the file(s) you're going to upload. Also, you need to compress your file, preferred in ZIP format. If the file after compressed is larger than 500kb, please e-mail me for permission first.

Why didn't I receive an e-mail reply from you?

Often I receive many e-mails in one day. Since I do not use my computer all the time, it is difficult for me to reply to all of you. If you do not receive my reply in more than ten days, it either means I am really busy, or I have lost your e-mail. You can send me again your mail and inform me that you have sent me one before. Then, I will try to reply you immediately, since I tend to reply my older mails first.

Can you e-mail me when there's an update?

Sorry, currently I cannot. I realize that many of you would like me to send you an update note, but this means that I will have to keep a list of people to send e-mails. Currently, I am not planning to do this.

Why don't you update your site often, like every day?

First, I don't want to spend too much time in front of my computer. Second, there aren't too many quality files that I can post on my page every day.

Isn't Holodeck 3 web site too graphically intense?

Yes. However, I have minimized the file size of the image files used here, so that your browser can finish loading my page in a shorter time. To further improving the loading time, I also try to use image files repeatedly. You might think that this page is designed for ISDN or faster connection. In truth, Holodeck 3 is designed for 28.8 speed modem, since I am using a 28.8 speed modem. Generally, my page should be loaded in a fair amount of time in the US area. If you experience a slow speed in loading my page, this means either your server connection is slow or Starbase-21 (the web server that my page is hosted on) is busy. Usually Starbase-21 server is pretty fast.

Why is the downloading process so slow?

Either your server connection is slow, or Starbase-21 (the web server that my page is hosted on) is busy. You can try to download files during a less "traffic" time, such as around 6am, US time.

Why is Holodeck 3 Microsoft Internet Explorer optimized, not Netscape Navigator?

This is simply by my choice. In version 3 of both browsers, MSIE has more formatting tags that an HTML author needs, such as background sound (without plug-in), and in-line frame support. Plus, MSIE supports both VBS (Visual Basic Script) and JavaScript in version 3, and I happen to know Visual Basic already. Although my pages are best viewed with MSIE, I have tested all my pages in both browsers (3.0 version). This ensures you that Holodeck 3 can be viewed in its best way with either browser. Also, recently I added EMBED tag for sound, so that if you use Netscape 3+ and have a sound card, you should be able to hear some background sound and music, too.

What font did you use for those nice looking image words? Can I have it?

I use the TrueType font, called Compacta. It is not the exact same font they used in the series, but it is pretty similar. I have also heard that one of the Swiss 900 series font is very close to the one they used in the series. However, I don't have it. These fonts are commercial products from Bitstream Inc.. Therefore, I cannot post it. However, you can shop them online at Bitstream Inc.'s site (only Postscript format available). Currently, I do not know any freeware font that is similar to the one I use, except the Trek TNG Monitors TrueType font. You can download it on the ST Database Misc page from my site. The file is called stfonts.zip. It contains many Trek related TTF's. It seems that the anonymous author who created Trek TNG Monitors TTF did not make this font fully compatible, because an underline is created whenever a space key is entered. However, this problem has been fixed. Go to the ST Database Misc page to download the fixed version of the font.

Where did you get the LCARS (Okudagram) interface images on your site?

The LCARS (Library Computer Access and Retrieval System) interface, or called Okudagram, is created by Michael Okuda, the scenic art supervisor for many Star Trek series and movies. Mr. Okuda is extremely clever in creating this interface, because it features a very futuristic look over the old style used in TOS, and yet this LCAR design cuts down a significant amount of Star Trek creation budget on scenery. You can see LCARS on all the computer screens in ST TNG, DS9, VOY, and movies. However, these interface images you see at my site are all made by myself.

How did you create the LCARS (Okudagram) interface images on your site?

I use a commercial imaging software, called Adobe Photoshop. If you like to try a imaging software with less budget, you can try Paint Brush Pro shareware, which can be downloaded from http://www.windows95.com. For more info on creating this site, see the creation page.

Can I use the LCARS (Okudagram) interface images you made at my web site?

Yes, you can use the interface images I made on your non-commercial web site. If you do use them or modify them, you should place a link pointed to Holodeck 3 web site as a credit reference. You can use the following logo to link to Holodeck 3 web site.
Experience the  
Holodeck 3 web site
HD3 simulation.

Which HTML editor and tools are used in creating this site?

Currently, I am using a text editor to write my HTML code. Why am I not using some HTML editors, such as MS Frontpage or Netscape Gold? In current time, these HTML editors still cannot help to me write table tags easily (if you write HTML code, you'll know what I am talking about). Due to the precision of the layout, I still find that it is easier for me to use a text editor. However, if the layout precision is not important to you, I recommend you to use a HTML editor.

The Holodeck 3 screen saver says some DLL files are missing. Where can I get them?

You can download the zip file that contains the needed DLL files on the Holodeck 3 screen saver page. Note: These DLL files are needed by all other programs written in Visual Basic 4 32-bit language. If you have downloaded them or have had them for other VB4 programs before, you do not need to download them again.

Why is the Holodeck 3 screen saver's password not working?

It is not working, because the password function was not implemented in this screen saver. I understand that this function is very important for many people. However, I had a difficulty in programming it. I will try to have this function in the next version of this screen saver.

When is the new version of Holodeck 3 screen saver coming out?

I do not have an exact day for you, since I only use my leisure time to write it. The approximation will be by the third quarter of 1997.

Why is the Holodeck 3 screen saver only for Windows 95, not Mac?

I was using VB4 (MS Visual Basic 4.0) to write this screen saver. VB4 can only produce program for Win95 and Win3.1 platforms. However, this version of screen saver requires a 32bit Windows OS. Therefore, you can only run it in Windows95 or NT, not Windows 3.1.

How do you write a screen saver with Microsoft's Visual Basic?

I am not good in explaining this. However, there are several sources on the net to tell you how to do it. Here they are. Microsoft's Knowledge Base article ID# Q146907 How To Create a Screen Saver in Visual Basic, The Toolbox - Interactive Visual Basic Home Page, Bradner's Source Code Examples, and David Griffiths' Screen Savers.

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HOLODECK 3 is created and maintained by Rob Chen since November 1995.