================================================================== H O L O N O T E for Windows 95 Version 1.0 Full version - Shareware ================================================================== --- VB4 32bit Run-Time Library Required (see instruction below) Copyright(c) 1997 Rob Chen / The HoloSpace All Rights Reserved Author: Rob Chen E-mail: r-c@msn.com Further and latest info on this program can be found on Holonote's web page at http://www.holodeck3.com/holonote/ __________________________________________________________________ This readme file includes information on * program description * registering method * installation/uninstallation instruction * evaluation info & user license agreement * distribution of the program __________________________________________________________________ === every program has this, so ... here we go. === THE PROGRAM AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ROB CHEN / THE HOLOSPACE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. __________________________________________________________________ D E S C R I P T I O N An easy-to-use note-keeping program with cool user interface. Features include: * LCARS-like user interface * each note can be password-protected * program can be minimized to Windows95's system tray * notes can be sorted, searched, and printed * fonts for displaying/printing notes can be customized * sound and animation effects (sound files can be customized) * stardate and earth date can be displayed * Holonote window can be shown in full screen mode File Version: 1.0 Full version (1.00.0721) Released Date: June 27, 1997 zip file name: holonote_vb.zip ( holonote.exe with VB DLLs ) zip file size: ~ 715 KB ( unzipped (total) ~ 1.8 MB ) ______________________________________________________________ Required VB4 32bit Run-Time Library is NOT included in this zip file. For installation, see the end of this file. ============================================================== __________________________________________________________________ R E G I S T R A T I O N I N F O * Previous Free Registration is no longer available. You can try the light version of Holonote, which is a freeware. You do not need to register the light version of Holonote. However, several features are missing from the light version, such as storing only 20 notes (full version - 400 notes), sorting notes, and assigning sound files. * International users please see INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION below. ** REGISTERING INFO: ================ Single User License Cost: US$15 per copy To register the shareware version of Holonote, please pay with a check, money order, or cash (in US currency only) made payable to "Rob Chen" and send it to the mailing address below. Please include your name and e-mail address (please print clearly) if available. Currently credit card order is not available. Rob Chen PO Box 660121 Flushing, NY 11366, USA Once you are registered, you will receive your Registration Name and Number that is good for all 1.x version of Holonote via e-mail. You will also be informed by e-mail when a later upgrade version is available. ** INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION INFO: =============================== Please do not send cheques in foreign (non-US) currency. However, cash in US dollar or other currencies are welcome. Not that I can use foreign cash, but I like to collect them. If you plan to send cash in non-US currency, I wouldn't mind how much or how little you send in. The mailing address is listed above in the Registration Info section. You should include your full name and an e-mail address (please print clearly). __________________________________________________________________ I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N ** NOTE: Previous beta users can simply replace the old "holonote.exe" with the new one after unzipping the file. Your previous notes should be maintained. 0. Unzip the file. "Holonote.exe" will be the file name of the Holonote program after unzipping. The zip file also includes a help file. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Move "holonote.exe", "holonote.hlp", and "readme.txt" to any new directory of your choice. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Check whether you have VB4 32bit Run-Time Library in your Windows 95's system directory. (usually at c:\windows\system) The Run-Time Library consists of three system files vb40032.dll , olepro32.dll , and msvcrt40.dll If you have them already, ignore step 2 and move on to step 3. If you don't have them, move the 3 DLL files you just unzipped to your Windows 95's system directory. (usually at c:\windows\system) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Run holonote.exe file from the directory you placed the program. Tip: You can create shortcuts to this program by yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Installation complete. __________________________________________________________________ U N I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N 1. Go to the directory where "holonote.exe" file is stored. (You can use FIND FILE from the Start button to find the file.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Remove "holonote.exe" (the program file), "holonote.ini" (the configuration file), "holonote.hlp" (the help file), "holo*.nte" (all note files), and "readme.txt" (this file). ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Please try NOT to delete the VB runtime files, which includes vb40032.dll, olepro32.dll, and msvcrt40.dll from your windows 95 system directory. The reason is that maybe you have some other programs, which are written in VB, that also require these DLL files on your system. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Uninstallation complete. __________________________________________________________________ E V A L U A T I O N I N F O & U S E R L I C E N S E A G R E E M E N T The full version of Holonote is a shareware, and you are welcome to evaluate this program at no charge. There is no time limit of evaluation for home users. However, commercial users can only evaluate this program for 30 days. If you find this program useful and decide to keep using it, you will need to register it. Otherwise, you should delete this program from your computer. After you have registered this program, you will be fully licensed to use this program on your computer. For home users, one registration fee will give you the license to make and run multiple copies of this program on multiple computers in one household. For commercial users, one registration fee will only license you to run a single copy of this program on one computer, and the program cannot be copied to multiple computers. Registered users will receive free technical support for a limited period of 90 days. Sorry, technical support is not available for users of the light versions. __________________________________________________________________ D I S T R I B U T I O N O F T H I S P R O G R A M You are welcome to distribute a copy of this program to your friends for evaluation. However, you must include all files in the original distribution package. The original distribution package cannot be altered without the author’s prior written consent, and you should not charge others for distributing this program, other than the media fee needed to distribute this program, such as postage and the cost of disks. If you are a commercial distributor, you are allowed to distribute this program on your web site or FTP site without charging users for accessing your site. And you will need to distribute BOTH the full and light versions of Holonote. If you are a commercial distributor other than the ones mentioned above, you will need the author’s prior written consent to distribute the program. ======= Note: ======= * Further and latest info on this program can be found on Holonote's web page at http://www.holodeck3.com/holonote/