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last updated: Sep 9, 96
HOLODECK 3 web site logo

HOLODECK 3 web site logo

Sept. 9, 1996 - Holodeck 3 web site logo has been modified a little for compatible purpose. If you downloaded this logo before September 9th, please download it again.

Holodeck 3 web site now has a logo. You can use this logo on your page to link to Holodeck 3 web site (http://www.starbase21.com/holodeck3/).
Also, everyone is welcome to use any interface image that I created at this site. However, please do include the Holodeck 3 web site logo on your page to link back to my site as well.

Experience the  
Holodeck 3 web site
HD3 simulation.
Experience the Holodeck 3 web site HD3 simulation.

It is recommended to use the logo in the above two ways.
And The logo should always link to:


Logo File Info

The Holodeck 3 web site logo is in GIF89a format (animated GIF).
Both Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and Netscape Navigator 3.0 are capable of displaying this animated logo. Browsers without GIF89a display capability will simply show this logo as a static GIF image.

The dimensions of this logo are 88 x 31 pixels (width x height). And its file size is 8.12kb.
To download the Holodeck 3 web site logo, right click on the logo shown above to save the image.

The Holodeck 3 web site logo cannot be altered in any way.
� 1996

Credit: Thanks to Hero Aban for his contribution so that this logo can be viewed best under many popular browsers.