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last updated: Jan. 8, 97
(You can jump to this page by clicking on the date in the control panel on any page.)

Jan. 8, 1997
Aug. 26, 1996
  • Text version of Holodeck 3 web site has been set up.
  • You can now submit a Star Trek related web site that will be listed, ranked, and reviewed here in the near future. To submit now or for more info, click here.
  • If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 (released version), you can test the ActiveX version of Holodeck 3's front page. A warning though, only the front page is set up. Click here (graphics mode) to enter.
Aug. 15, 1996
  • 40 new exciting sound files (some were selected from alt.binaries.startrek newsgroup and some were uploaded to me from several Holodeck 3 web site fans) have been added to ST Sound page.
  • Star Trek: Then Next Generation Novel "Foreign Foes" author, Dave Galanter's homepage link has been added. Click here to see his page with LCARS style. (outside link)
  • I have created a Holodeck 3 web site logo. You can use this logo on your page to link to Holodeck 3.
    If you have used some images, animations, or files from Holodeck 3 web site on your page, pleasse add this logo on your page to link back to Holodeck 3 web site. Click here to view more info about the Holodeck 3 web site logo.
  • Thanks for those of you who uploaded me files or comments through e-mail.
    If you have not received a reply from me, it's either I haven't written one yet (no enough time) or I have lost your e-mail, since my mail file was damaged due to my hard disk's bad sectors. In any case if you like, you're welcome to send me your message again.
July 5, 1996
  • ST Database II ( STAR TREK II ) category is added.
    ST DATABASE page contains Star Trek related files that you can download, while ST DATABASE II page contains Star Trek related info for your reading enjoyment.
June 13, 1996
  • Temporary Database page is updated. More pictures, uploaded by previous Holodeck 3 visitors, are added.
  • Award Log page, records awards Holodeck 3 has received, is added.
June 1, 1996
  • Star Trek Computer Theme for Win95, by Gene W. Michelsen, is added on ST Miscellanies page.
May 29, 1996
  • my Holodeck 3 screen saver for Windows 95 is added on ST Miscellanies page
May 18, 1996
  • 3 video clips added on ST Video page, with preview feature.
  • Another animated start-up logo for Win95, made by Shane Whitehead, added on ST Miscellanies page.
May 13, 1996
  • Holodeck 3 is moved from mathlab site of my school to STARBASE-21 web site. Thanks to STARBASE-21 Webmaster, Darren Ehlers, disk space capacity now is larger than before. More pages and files will be put up in the near future.
    Please e-mail me if you have encountered any errors.
  • Temporary Database is updated with new pictures.
  • Major reorganization done on ST Sound page. And 11 new files are added.
  • Themes for Windows 95 on ST Miscellanies page can be downloaded now. (was temporary off-line)
  • Video clips on ST Video page have both avi & mov formats now.
  • minor interface update.
May 6, 1996
  • Sorry that Holodeck 3 hasn't been and won't be updated this week till the weekend, due to my busy final exam week at school.
Apr. 25, 1996
Apr. 22, 1996
  • Star Trek Video Category is created.
    Features preview.
  • Thanks for those who commented on my page by e-mail. Few days ago, my home computer suffered a hard disk problem (second time within two months! ). And stupid me, I did not backup my files (still waiting for IOMEGA's external JAZ drive). This caused some of my files and e-mails lost. If you'd wrote me an e-mail and haven't got a reply from me (if required), chances are that I've lost your mail. Please send your mail again. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Apr. 11, 1996
Aug. 3, 1996
  • More Win95 desktop theme links added on ST Miscellanies, with preview feature!
  • Animation GIF files are used.
    Currently animation GIF files can be viewed under Netscape 2.0 only.
    (Holodeck 3 is still viewed best under MS Internet Explorer 2.0 with animation and sound effects.)
Mar. 2, 1996
Feb. 6, 1996
Feb. 3, 1996
  • minor interface update - Title bar color will change daily. And image shown on main page will change from a set of pictures approximately every 5 hours.
Jan. 31, 1996
Jan. 28, 1996
Jan. 12, 1996
Dec. 22, 1995
  • Inner Light lullaby music (flute & piano) from Lessons added on ST Sound page.
  • ST TNG Crew Icons for Win95 users added on ST Miscellanies page.
  • Christmas on the Enterprise poem added on ST Document page.

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